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E-resources on Dalit Studies


First Published: 29 December 2022 | Last Updated: 29 December 2022


I have been exploring the internet for some time now to locate the relevant websites and online journals that can help in pursuing research in the field of Dalit Studies. While preparing a teachable global module on anti-caste discourse for UCL, I collated these links. This is an ongoing list. I hope this is of use to the concerned researchers.


  1. Ambedkar Archive

  2. Ambedkar King Study Circle, California, USA

  3. Ambedkar Times

  4. Anti-Caste Discrimination Alliance, UK

  5. B R Ambedkar: Life and Mission

  6. Caste Watch UK

  7. Columbia Project on Annihilation of Caste

  8. Dalit Camera

  9. Dalit NGO Federation (DNF), Nepal

  10. Dalit Solidarity—Justice and Equality for All Indians

  11. Dalit Voice

  12. Dr Ambedkar Memorial Committee, Great Britain

  13. Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar and His People—A Dalit Bahujan Media

  14. Equality Labs

  15. Federation of Ambedkarite and Buddhist Organisations (FABO)

  16. Feminist Dalit Organisation (FEDO), Nepal

  17. Forward Press

  18. Hindutva Watch

  19. Illinois Library Resource Guide about Dalits

  20. Indian Institute of Dalit Studies

  21. International Dalit Solidarity Network

  22. Jagaran Media Centre: Media Alliance Against Caste-based Discrimination, Nepal

  23. National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights

  24. Navayan—A Homeland of Ambedkarite Buddhists

  25. Navsarjan Trust

  26. Nepal National Dalit Social Welfare Organisation (NNDSWO)

  27. Round Table India

  28. Safai Karmachari Andolon: A Movement for Elimination of Manual Scavenging

  29. Savari

  30. The Ambedkarite Today

  31. Velivada

  32. Voice of Dalit International

  33. Writing, Analysing, Translating Dalit Literature


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